Amy Morey
3 min readNov 4, 2020



I’m not really sure where this concept was lost on society but it is ever so prevalent as of late.

I attribute some of it to mask wearing, some to preoccupation, but mostly to selfishness.

The mask wearing is hard for me. Legitimately hard. I am a woman who absolutely LOVES to smile and that has been taken from me. My personal mantra is “give your smile away, you never know who needs it” and now we can’t do that. I can’t do that. I can’t receive your smile. Plain and simple this sucks and makes me sad. I’ve tried a mask with a clear area, but in addition to my glasses fogging on the regular, the clear part gets all gross, sweaty and drippy and quite frankly who in their right mind wants to see that? I sure don’t.

Society is preoccupied with so much. The majority with our phones. Whether your face is stuck in it, or you have ear buds in with your face stuck in it, we don’t see what others around us are doing. Proud to say I dislike ear buds and most of the time if I am out and about, I don’t look at my phone. Maybe if my eyes were better and I wasn’t constantly having to take my glasses off to see things right in front of my face, it might be different.

Primarily we, collectively as a society, are just plain and simple selfish assholes. We could give a crap about anyone and anything other than ourselves. BUT….we aren’t afraid to vilify those that have opinions other than our own. Obviously right now with the turbulent political climate that we are in that is the case but this year has just been awful. We are truly a nation divided. There is no “conversation” to be had from both sides. It is belittling, berating, and hate being spewed everywhere. Now I know that social media certainly has exacerbated the situation but I don’t remember it ever being this bad.

We should all be ashamed of how each of us are acting. I am admittedly guilty, though trying to change my ways and my thought process. I started with those who wear their masks alone in their cars. I scoffed at that, but have taken a step back and decided why in the ever loving hell do I care what Karen is doing in her car? Do I care if she wears a scarf during the winter months? Do I care if she drives with her sunroof open during the middle of a rain storm? Nope I sure don’t and honestly her mask wearing in her own vehicle is none of my flipping business.

Well, that is just my simple mind, with my simple take on things today. So today I choose to be kind. I choose to smile with my mask on, look at my eyebrows and the crows feet around my eyes…they are smiling at you. And to you Karen, you keep going girl, you wear your mask alone, in your car, at home, in your office. If you like it go for it, or maybe you have had one hell of a day and you have just forgotten to take it off. Whatever your reason, it’s your’s. Not mine.

Remember, when you can be anything, be kind. Always.

Much love to you all.




Amy Morey

Proud momma to three adult men, business owner, crazy cat lady, lover of all things sun related and truly a beach bum. Someday I'll make it my home............